
July 29, 2008

All over the world, people are waking up and heading off to work. Day to night, 8am to 6pm most adult are working just to earn money. Everywhere you go you will need money, be it to buy food or drinks. But is all these really important, is Money really that important, powerful that everyone has to have it. To me, I think that money is not almighty.

One major flaw of money is that it could never buy family ties. Look at one of the most common family problem across the globe, it is that more and more children are being neglected and dread going home. This is due to parents working overtime and thus have no time with their children. Even though the intention for earning money is to benefit their children but in the long run, both party will suffer. Parents working till late at night while the children lack parental care.

Next, shopping centers are always having sale which we could spend money on, but money can never buy knowledge. You cannot go up to a person and say “can I buy your knowledge.” It does not matter how rich you are but rather if you have the knowledge on how to save it. A stupid person no matter how rich will have his money taken from him by a smarter person.

Finally, what is the meaning of living in a world without love. Money may be able to get you a prostitute but not true love. You may get temporary love as the girl or woman only go out with you for your money. You may have money to buy all the tonic for your parents but if you do not spend time with them, where is the love.

So is money really that important, is money almighty. The answer is yes and no. MONEY is not almighty but we can never do without it.

Term 2 week 10

June 17, 2008

Nowadays,maids are very common in most family.The owner have omnipotent,while the maid have to condescend themselves to be mortify or malign.To be candor,I felt very disgusted upon hearing about these kind of acts.This show that nowadays,decorum is nearly extinct.we should treat every human being as equal and not discriminate people that are slightly different,such as being from another country.

Term 2 week 9

June 17, 2008

A human who is indolent and apahty in studying is an adversary to him or herself.However a person who have dilettante,will have lots of  gusto in studying and thus find bliss from it.

Term 2 week 8

June 17, 2008

What make a human happy.Is it when he or she is revere.In my opinion,being disgruntled is irrational.If we are insatiable by what we have now,how will we ever have equanimity.Or is it only when we are moribund then we will realise our mistake,greed and finally found serenity.

Term 2 week 7

June 17, 2008

Everybody aim for culminate and after reaching the pinnacle,they will feel exultation.However,how many would remain ardent or besmirch.And who would reflect their accomplishment.The step that they have taken to reach this point.How many people had they used or sacrifice.To other,it should always remain obscure.

Thus I believe success come with lots of sacrifice.

Term 2 week 6

June 17, 2008

Humans are born lethargic and remiss.It is the inevitable fact of being a human.While some people evince these intrinsic prevalently,others try their very best to overcome these weakness.

Term 2 week 5

June 17, 2008

In the history of mankind,there were many great sage,who no matter how virile,will in the end become senile.No matter the longevity they had,they will end up dead.After their death,soon,the memory of their existence will slowly be obliterated.This is the deplorable fate of all human being.

So make the best of your life now,leave a name for yourself in history and not be forgotten by the future generation.

Term 2 week 4

June 17, 2008

I am sure many of you would have read before story book about ancient civilisation.In most of these story,there would always be a king or tribe leader and beside him,a grand adviser,in the form of a witch or old people.Then,they would have a bizarre tradition,of prohibition.

If this were to happen in our present time,it would be considered absurd,and cause a universal riot.Thus from this,we can conclude how naive the people of ancient time and the present.

Term 2 week 3

June 17, 2008

pedagogue or in other words,teacher is a very tough job.This is not due to the amount of worksheets they have to mark but more likely due to the behaviour of the student.It is quite catastrophic to have students who will maladjusted the teacher and cause him or her to get one’s back up.It is not only  the teacher who suffer but we as student will suffer too.A teacher do not work just to bring home the bacon,more importantly their job is to educate or teach us.If the teacher is in a foul mood,how do you expect them to teach well.

So next time before anyone try to do anything,please think about the consequence before doing it.This does not only applies to mistreating teacher or other pupils but rather the things you do everyday,try for once to be considerate.

Term 2 week 2

June 17, 2008

Computer Gaming is becoming a important part in many people lives.We had to acknowledge that fact as more and more people had incapacitated themselves from society by living in virtual reality.Even thought it is not wrong for people to have unrealistic or chimerical dream,but the are deluded to believe that they can achieve those dreams by gaming.Those people are missing out on the more important things in life such as your family.With the indifference they treat people around them,they will eventually lose their friends and family.

So stop playing your computer game now and start caring for what is really important to you.Family and Friends.